2 Sons Pool & Spa Care
Company Name: 2 Sons Pool & Spa Care
Status: Active
State: California
Post: 95482-6026
County: Mendocino
City: Ukiah
Address: 1400 Talmage Road
Phone: (707)462-2038
Fax: (707)462-4063
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Kenneth Chadbourne
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 179921 Industry group: Construction-special Trade Contractors, Business category: Others Miscellaneous Retail
Employees: 2
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 248,000
Overall: 2 Sons Pool & Spa Care is a business categorized under others miscellaneous retail, which is part of the larger category construction-special trade contractors. 2 Sons Pool & Spa Care is located at the address 1400 Talmage Road in Ukiah, California 95482-6026. The Owner is Kenneth Chadbourne who can be contacted at (707)462-2038.
- Swimming pool contractor
In summary:
- Great people, good service at very reasonable price.
- Excellent and knowledgeable staff and service.
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Click here add new review about: 2 Sons Pool & Spa Care (Miscellaneous Construction Contractors)
Name: E.7.
Message: Great people, good service at very reasonable price. Love them!
Name: R.Y.
Message: Excellent and knowledgeable staff and service. Great pool and spa care. Highly recommend.
Name: J.C.
Message: This was a phone call to ask questions about drinking water. They were very nice, did not carry the product line, I had to drive back to Santa Rosa to get the water and supplies that I needed.
Name: E.J.M.
Message: I inherited an old built in pool and Kenny with CO have kept me swimming!
Name: D.M.T.
Message: My experience with 2sons PooL & Spa Care has gone back a long ways and i find their work to be VERY goood as well as their Character very HONEST people. i thank c. j. & kenny & levi & other family members who work with 2 Sons Pool and Spa care.